The first person to respond to my plea for outside artwork (other than my wife) is Ms. Grisamer. Ms. Grisamer is a fellow law student at The University of Tulsa. She created this picture in an art class some few years ago...
She used a Sharpie (TM) to create this design. I, personally, think that this design exhibits incredible pen control. I have a hard time writing a single word with a Sharpie (TM) without having it bleed all over the paper. So kudos to Ms. Grisamer for creating a fantabulous piece of artwork. This must have taken forever to finish!
On a personal note, I plan to have my painting almost finished (ready to show) by the end of the week... Until then, enjoy this piece of art and feel free to browse the other 4 original pieces exhibited exclusively on SemiArtsy.
If YOU have anything that YOU would like me to post, send it to me. I would like to get to the point that I am posting a piece of art once a day, everyday. That might take some time, but with YOUR help, it is certainly possible.
Until the weekend....!
I like this one also, has a vintagy look to it.