So.... you know that painting that I promised to have posted in mid-May....?? Well.... it's ready! I need to do a few touch ups in the eyes and in the top left corner of the painting, but I am ready to show it to my eagerly awaiting public!
Without further adieu...
This is Moses. He enjoys parting the Red Sea, appearing in the Kirtland Temple, taking long walks on the beach, and eating candlelight dinners.
Moses lived to be about 120 years old. He looks to be about 42 (with a stellar beard) in this artistic rendering.
If you couldn't figure it out yourself, "Moses" is printed above his head in Cyrillic letters. Hopefully, I spelled it correctly. I should probably consult a dictionary of some sort....
Also: My wife has completed a few paintings that I am going to post here in the next few days. She likes flowers. Enjoy.